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Get a Cambridge Education Online!

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We are the UK's most-established online education group and a UK Government Registered Education Provider based In Cambridge UK.

Cambridge Online Education operates 5 of the world's best known British online education brands, 2 of which have been around since the dawn of the internet:


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Cambridge Home School Online is the UK's most-established online selective independent school for motivated goal-driven pupils. It offers prep, lower school - full balanced curriculum, upper school IGCSE, BTEC EQV. and sixth form A Levels, Foundation Diploma in most popular subjects including Art, Music, Design, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, History, Geography, French, Spanish, Latin, Psychology, Sociology and more.

Based in Cambridge UK. Teach live online classes of 10 pupils or less - Timetable or Flexi-school

Success coaches, House competitions, Oxbridge and Russel Group support and over 20 extra-curricular clubs included in the school fee.

Trustpilot's most trusted international school and voted excellent 5 stars by parents!

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The Online College of Art & Design (OCAD) is the oldest online further education college of art in the UK. We taught our first student back in 2002! We boast the highest IGCSE grade in the world, unlimited face to face tuition by experts, access to top universities and creative employers. Most recognised art & design qualifications offered for study from home; IGCSE, Level 2 BTEC EQV. A Level, Foundation Diplomas in Animation, Fine Art, Illustration, Graphic Design, Fashion, Textiles, Games Design, Architecture, Sculpture, Photography, Film etc. more information ..


Bridge Online School

The Bridge online school works with local authorities and multi-academy trusts to offer children a bridge back into education. Many children struggle for myriad reasons to access schooling and our online school is a cost-effective solution for many. The Bridge school and Cambridge Online Education have worked with most local authorities over the years, mainly to support them in delivering their Section 19 of the Education Act 1996 duties. We're proud to say that through its partenrships with local authorities and schools, Bridge has helped many families overcome their educational challenges.


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Access Courses Online

Lots of adults struggle to get into well-paid fulfilling careers because they didn't attain the right qualifications at school. Access Courses Online is our answer to this problem. Adult students can return to education without qualifications and study a 1 year Access to HE Diploma online. These qualifications will enable students to get to university without A Levels. Students can study almost all popular career pathways including nursing, counseling, scientist, lawyer, teaching, lecturer, business, management, accounting and many more. For more information click here.


Cambridge Online Education is one of the world's pioneers in online distance learning - we taught our first students back in 2002 - 3 years before Youtube even existed and before Google was the world's pre-eminent search engine!

Cambridge Online Education exists to widen participation in education and to improve the lives of everybody through access to online qualifications. Unlike most online courses, all of our courses lead to UK Government-backed qualifications to ensure all students can progress to college, university and better lives.

We were founded by Dr. Page - a school teacher; pioneer of online education, academic and lifelong campaigner for equality of opportunity in education. Dr. Page came to offer online education out of a desire to solve the age-old differentiation in the classroom problem - how does one teacher teach students with an infinitely broad range of individual learning needs in the same class at the same time? Answer? You can't - not without technology! Dr. Page solved the problem by providing his students with online tasks and lessons which empowered all learners to learn at their own pace! This was revolutionary at the time and even now decades later most school classrooms remain stuck in the past and do not offer this.

Cambridge Online Education exists to support learners - not for profit! We make a profit (hopefully) which means we can keep up our positive work but profit isn't why we exist.

Cambridge Online Education is a mission lead UK Government registered learning provider who cares about its learners! We teach online for the right reasons!

We believe (obviously) that the best education can only be delivered through an uncompromising commitment to offer the best quality teachers in the best quality learning environment.


Queen's Online School

Queen's online school provides a wholesome, nurturing and fun online alternative to British state schooling. Queen's offers the English national curriculum to families in the UK and worldwide. Families are able to complete their entire schooling from KS1 to KS5, GCSEs and A Levels entirely online from the comfort and security of the family home or on the move. As a Cambridge Online Education school Queen's is fully accredited by the UK register of learning providers and UCAS. Many exams can be taken online too now thanks to our partnership with Pearson exams.




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