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Our Story

Every idea starts with a problem. Back in 2002 I was a shiny new art and design teacher straight out of teacher training and I was struggling with a very common teacher problem. The problem is called the differentiation problem. The problem that all teachers are told is not a problem but it is. The job of teaching Cheetahs, Ponies and Sloths how to run at the same speed in the same class at the same time. No child left behind they said but how does that work? Whatever I did someone got left behind and that just wasn't fair in my book! I was a Sloth and got left behind at school and spent my life catching up! I'm a Sloth with a PhD now :-)

So back in 2002 when the world-wild-web (yes I said wild) where teachers dare not to tread I cobbled together bits of HTML code to create, an interactive website that allowed Cheetahs to race ahead unhindered and the sloths the extra time they needed and deserved. So with the Cheetahs and the Sloths taken care of by my online content I could teach to the middle ability group - the Ponies. So I solved the differentiation problem with online support about the time that UK Prime Minister Tony Blair started offering innovative online content providers E Learning Credits, - basically money for schools to spend on technology for the classroom. I registered with the scheme and before I knew it I had 50 schools signed up and using my online content. It was transformative for so many children and I knew I was on to something.

Later I incorporated the company and renamed it Cambridge Online Education. I was fortunate to attract some really extraordinary teachers who embraced the power of online technology to transform the education and life-chances of students of all abilities and ages. We built the world's first 100% online art and design college and later one of the UK's first 100% online schools. Nearly 20 years later the organisation has grown and thousands of students of all abilities and ages have succeeded and graduated from our online school, art and design college and self-study courses. 

Cambridge Online Education believes that everyone deserves a great education which is why when you choose to study with us we are able to offer a limited number of scholarships and courses to great students who can't afford the fees.

Cambridge Online Education is a privately owned social enterprise company - read our independently sourced student reviews - click here.

Now it's your turn!

Dr. Troy Page


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